Sunday, November 21, 2010

...more ripples from Alice Keck Park

As one of my favorite holidays approaches, words and phrases rise to the surface of my mind. One is, having an attitude of gratitude. Not seeing the glass as half-empty, but rather, as half-full, is another. And also, where your focus goes, your energy flows: the belief that what we think about and focus on expands.

For Thanksgiving, I will drive to L.A. to spend it with my Dear, daughter, Erin. And as another word, abundance, comes to mind -- so do the residual images from my outing last Tuesday, when I sat on a bench, under a palm tree, beside a pond.


  1. Beautiful photos, as always Anitra. I hope you and Erin have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  2. Thank you Mark :) Wishing you a wonderful holiday as well.

  3. A artist work should be seen and, heard! i love the way you from the heart.when I look at your photographs I feel alot of peace.I have learned to be grateful too for everything I have in my life.As I travel througout the world I look to your blog to find true beauty.As i sit in my Hotel room in Paris i think how truly blessed I am Peace and Harmony during the Holidays I will be in Switzerland working missing my Family and giving thanks.

  4. Roger, thank you for your kind and generous words. So nice to hear from you and to get a sense of your life :)
