Wednesday, February 2, 2011

strolling, Santa Barbara style

There's nothing like walking on the beach for elevating the spirit. Strolling along the sand and listening to the soothing mantra of the waves washes away the ego and brings one home to a deeper, truer sense of self.

Science tells us that it's the negative ions generated by the molecules of moving water that are found in fresh air and in nature as well, and that negative ions increase serotonin and have healing effects on the body.

When the late J. Paul Getty, one of the world's riches men, was asked what made him happy, he replied, "Walking on the beach."


  1. Hi Anitra,

    It's very true actually. Walking on the beach day or even at night is always very soothing to the soul. Since I live on Long Island, I'm able to go to a beach whenever I want. I have never been to Santa Barbara but it looks quite beautiful and your pictures as always are so nice. It makes me want to jump right into the picture and get out of all of this ice and snow here in the east! Great work as always! Jonathan Chester

  2. Hi Jonathan,

    It's always nice to hear from you and to get your feedback.

    Being well aware of the snow and ice in the East, I've been hesitant to post photos of our temperate climate. But then, I changed my tone and decided that it might actually be nice for some readers and viewers to have a place to loose themselves and as you say, 'jump' into a picture.

    Again, Johnathan, thanks for you kind words :)
